Hello! We’re having some trouble with our In-Store Pickup platform. We’ll have it back up and running ASAP. Attend a factory tour, booking through the rest of February.
Hello! We’re having some trouble with our In-Store Pickup platform. We’ll have it back up and running ASAP. Attend a factory tour, booking through the rest of February.
Thank you so much for registering with Heath Ceramics and congratulations on your special occasion!
Save All Registries offer a lot of flexibility in how you redeem and receive your gifts; because of this, the checkout process is a little non-traditional. We’ve put together this guide to help you navigate completion of your Save All Registry. And know that we’re here to help, should you get stuck or have any questions.
First Things, First
You are welcome to check out of your Save All Registry as many times as you'd like! Some registrants choose to check out after each gift is purchased by a guest, while others will wait until after all items have been purchased and check out in one fell swoop. It's your choice!
Checking Out
Ensure there are no items in your cart. On your registry page, select the "Registry Checkout" button. This begins the checkout process by loading ALL in stock registry items, whether fulfilled or not, into your cart and applying your Save All registry credit. Fulfilled registry items will load the cart in the quantity that has been purchased by your guests.
It may take a few moments to finish adding everything to the cart; keep an eye on the cart icon in the upper right corner of your screen — the process is finished once it shows a number.
Select the Shopping Cart icon in the top right corner once all items have loaded. Now you can remove any items you do not wish to check out with or adjust any quantities.
To add a new product, navigate to the product page and select Add to Cart.
If you scroll down in your cart, there should be a Redemption Credit already applied. Once you’ve adjusted product quantities to your liking and made any additions to your cart, select Checkout to complete your redemption. Exciting!
Helpful Tips
• Use a laptop or desktop, rather than a phone or tablet, to complete the redemption.
• Use Chrome or Safari browser.
• Clear your cache of browsing history before starting the checkout. A quick way to do this is to hold down the following keys while heathceramics.com is open in your browser: Command + Shift + R (on Macs) or Control + Shift + R (on Windows).
• Once you have begun checkout, do not refresh or leave the page you are on until checkout is complete.
• Go slowly and be patient! Our shopping cart can be a little temperamental and may take a few seconds to process each change you make.
• Give us a call in Customer Service if you have any trouble and we will gladly lend a hand.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.
Let's take this one step at a time.
You've been shopping for and have added items from their registry to your cart. Please check out and finish your registry purchase before adding items from a different registry.
Let's take this one step at a time.
You already have items in your cart and are trying to add a registry gift. Please check out and finish your personal purchase before adding registry items to your cart.
Let's take this one step at a time.
You’ve been shopping for and have added items from their registry to your cart. Please check out and finish your registry purchase before adding personal items to your cart.
Selecting "Check Out" will allow you to complete your purchase of the registry gift(s). After your registry purchase, you can then begin shopping for another registry.
Selecting "Check Out" will allow you to complete your purchase of the item(s) already in your cart. After checking out, you can then begin shopping for the registry.
Selecting "Checkout" will allow you to complete your purchase of the registry gift(s). After your registry purchase, you can then begin shopping for personal items.
- Or -
Selecting "Empty Cart" will remove the registry gifts from your cart, and add the new gifts from the different registry. The unpurchased registry gifts will not be saved.
Selecting "Empty Cart" will remove the existing item(s) from your cart, and add your registry gift to the cart. The unpurchased item(s) from your cart will not be saved.
Selecting "Empty Cart" will remove the registry gift(s) from your cart and add your personal items to the cart. The unpurchased registry gift(s) will not be saved.
Just a Moment
We are adding your registry items to the cart for checkout.
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Welcome to the Family!
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Good choice!
Before we can add this item, you’ll need to sign in. After you log in, you’ll be taken back to this page and can add this item to your Favorites or Registry.