Hello! We’re having some trouble with our In-Store Pickup platform. We’ll have it back up and running ASAP. Attend a factory tour, booking through the rest of February.
Hello! We’re having some trouble with our In-Store Pickup platform. We’ll have it back up and running ASAP. Attend a factory tour, booking through the rest of February.
Hello! Welcome to our newly redesigned website. You'll notice big shifts and subtle ones, some good things and a few frustrating ones — temporarily!
As with anything new, kinks are inevitable. Our intention has always been and always will be to provide you with excellent products and experiences — and we'll get there! But for the time being, as we get ourselves up and running on the new platform, you may notice some glitches. We apologize in advance, and promise that we're working hard to rectify these issues ASAP. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your patience, and please do reach out to our customer service team if you need help in the meantime.
Registries (last updated 9/12/18)
Our two registry types — Conventional and Virtual — have stayed the same. However, we recently made a change to our platform that's intended to result in an enhanced customer experience — but we're not quite there yet! While we're on our way, we sincerely apologize for any and all frustration this update is causing. Our Customer Service team is here to help with any issues at all. Contact them customerservice@heathceramics.com or start a live chat. Thanks for your patience, and it's a privilege to be part of your special occasion.
A Responsive Website
This one's a big deal — our website is now responsive, meaning it’ll work (and look) as well on your mobile device as on your big screen. Shop, register, and read away, all from the palm of your hands.
Heath Journal
Behind the scenes, in the studio, at the table, on the road, in the store, back in time — the good stuff we see and do. Come back often for fresh reads, some long, some short.
Enhanced Product Pages
Over time you’ll notice that our product pages have more room to share beautiful images and stories on the process and people behind the designs we love.
We've got much more in the works for you, but for now, click away, shop, and enjoy. We’re so happy you’re here!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.
Let's take this one step at a time.
You've been shopping for and have added items from their registry to your cart. Please check out and finish your registry purchase before adding items from a different registry.
Let's take this one step at a time.
You already have items in your cart and are trying to add a registry gift. Please check out and finish your personal purchase before adding registry items to your cart.
Let's take this one step at a time.
You’ve been shopping for and have added items from their registry to your cart. Please check out and finish your registry purchase before adding personal items to your cart.
Selecting "Check Out" will allow you to complete your purchase of the registry gift(s). After your registry purchase, you can then begin shopping for another registry.
Selecting "Check Out" will allow you to complete your purchase of the item(s) already in your cart. After checking out, you can then begin shopping for the registry.
Selecting "Checkout" will allow you to complete your purchase of the registry gift(s). After your registry purchase, you can then begin shopping for personal items.
- Or -
Selecting "Empty Cart" will remove the registry gifts from your cart, and add the new gifts from the different registry. The unpurchased registry gifts will not be saved.
Selecting "Empty Cart" will remove the existing item(s) from your cart, and add your registry gift to the cart. The unpurchased item(s) from your cart will not be saved.
Selecting "Empty Cart" will remove the registry gift(s) from your cart and add your personal items to the cart. The unpurchased registry gift(s) will not be saved.
Just a Moment
We are adding your registry items to the cart for checkout.
Our monthly newsletter includes news on sales, events, people, and ideas that inspire us, including stories on makers and designers we love. We think you'll enjoy reading it!
We respect your privacy and will not sell or share your personal information to any other party.
Welcome to the Family!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.
Good choice!
Before we can add this item, you’ll need to sign in. After you log in, you’ll be taken back to this page and can add this item to your Favorites or Registry.