Hello! We’re having some trouble with our In-Store Pickup platform. We’ll have it back up and running ASAP. Attend a factory tour, booking through the rest of February.
Hello! We’re having some trouble with our In-Store Pickup platform. We’ll have it back up and running ASAP. Attend a factory tour, booking through the rest of February.
Los Angeles-based artist and our very good friend Brendan Monroe debuts his third show at Heath: Formations. A sculptor and painter, his work consists of explorations of his ideas and dreams, translated into images of a familiar but unseen world. This year, Brendan carved his signature work, by hand, on Heath tile. Surfaces become dimensional, presenting shapes and textures that are amorphous, alive, and ever-moving. Over 25 large and small-scale works on tile feature Brendan’s experimental, layered, and textured glazes. Formations will also include Brendan’s blob sculptures and drawings.
Los Angeles Studio & Showroom 7525 Beverly Blvd, CA 90036 323 965 0800
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.
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