Hello! We’re having some trouble with our In-Store Pickup platform. We’ll have it back up and running ASAP. Attend a factory tour, booking through the rest of February.
Hello! We’re having some trouble with our In-Store Pickup platform. We’ll have it back up and running ASAP. Attend a factory tour, booking through the rest of February.
Inspired by the Japanese word meaning "the appearance of ordinary day to day life", the first "Tatazumai" exhibition took place in 2015 in Paris, then in 2017 in New York. The exhibition will finally be here in San Francisco for the first time, featuring the works of six Japanese artists:
Their works, constructed as ordinary handicrafts yet evocative of gentle beauty and dimensional feeling range from ceramics and woodwork to glass, paper, and clothing.
The Boiler Room is a place to find and connect with one-of-a-kind creations by artists whose work, stories, and values inspire us. As part of Playmountain East, a year-long exploration of the work and processes of Japanese and Japanese-influenced artists and makers, we’re thrilled to announce Tatazumai, featuring the works of six distinctive artists. Stop in and say hello, shop and enjoy!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.
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